Head's Blog: The Importance of Community

Head's Blog: The Importance of Community
Head's Blog

Dear Parents,

The Importance of Community

At the end of last term, you may remember that Handcross Park supported a number of charities being 'Off the Fence', 'Handcross Pantry' and additionally we provided Christmas presents for children in poverty. I feel strongly that, as a school, we are not isolated or cocooned behind our front gates without recognising or being part of our wider local community. As John Donne (Metaphysical poet, born 1572), said, ‘No Man is an Island’. I am pleased that at Handcross Park we instil in our children the importance of the wider world through our 'Green Agenda' initiatives, our charitable support and our links with Homestream House retirement home within our boarding community, to name a few.

In January I organised a meeting with Mrs Bondonno, Head of Handcross Primary. We discussed how we could share best practice between our staff and what opportunities would benefit all of our children. Already they are arranging a joint author visit with Pre-Prep during World Book week after half-term – an exciting opportunity for our younger children! They have also offered a joint Maths Mastery session for some of our staff – a time to share and discuss this important subject area. I am pleased that we are able to share some of our facilities with them.

A Handcross Park education allows our pupils to understand the importance of community and it also aligns so clearly with the spirit and values of Be Trewe.

If anyone has any specific charities that you think we should support, please do contact Ms Jane Bussey (Head of Charity) in the School Office.

Richard Brown


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